
At Prince of Peace you will be welcomed with open arms, and become part of a community that has come together to Know Jesus, Grow Together and follow the path He has made for us to Serve the World.

The Christmas Season is upon us!! Please see all of our Special Events surrounding the Advent Season by clicking the button "Christmas 2024."

Please remember our annual Hypothermia Shelter service event. Sign-ups are available now!

Join Prince of Peace's Music Ministry

There's something for Everyone!

“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”
God’s people are a people who like to celebrate.  Because of His great love for us in Jesus Christ, all of His children have the opportunity to come together and rejoice and express our praise and thanks.

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How Can We Pray for YOU?

At Prince of Peace, prayer is a big part of who we are.

Even though we may not know you, we've been praying for you already.
If you'd like to let us know how we can pray for you more specifically, please click the link below.

Request Prayer