And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25


The purpose of Grow Groups is to bring people together. We believe God created us to live in relationship with others. Sharing life with a community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren't always easy to find. That's why grow groups exist; they're a place to belong, connect and grow. For a list of current Grow Groups click HERE

What is a Grow Group?

Couples, men's, women's, singles, life stages, or blended groups. Get creative, think about people you are already doing life with. Who are you already spending time with, during the week, with whom you could extend, enrich or deepen your relationship? A co-worker, neighbor, fellow sports family, a best friend that you've never had a faith chat with before.


Anytime, really! The HOST helps coordinate the best meeting times for members. If you want to join a group, we will try our best to help pair you up with a group, based on your availability. Many groups meet at church, during the Sunday School Hour (Sundays, 9:15-10:15am).


Grow Groups usually meet in homes, but also in restaurants, coffee shops, or at church. Think creatively here, where are you during the week that you could add a study with people you already gather? Possibly while your children are practicing a sport, or in youth choir. We encourage people to meet in-person, but Zoom is always an option too.

How long?

To start, we suggest a six week study. After the initial six weeks groups may want to continue meeting into the future, possibly for years. For the first 6 weeks, each group will meet for about 1.5 hours, following a pre-planned study, including video and discussion questions.

How big is a Grow Group?

A Grow Group is made up of 4-12 people with similar interests, in the same stage of life, or who simply want to learn from one another. Think of people you are already doing "Life" with (friend groups, neighbors, work colleagues, other parents, etc.) and invite them to come along. 


Register to join a Grow Group by clicking the button below!

Our Grow Group Team will work to place you in a group that best fits your criteria. After registering, you will receive an email with your HOST’s contact information, and helpful resources.

Register to join a Grow Group?

What is a HOST?

Other churches may call their HOSTs - Leader, Facilitator, Discussion Group Leader, etc.

HOSTs are:

H = have a Heart for people
O = willing to Open your home (or another place to meet)
S = willing to Serve them something to drink
T = willing to Turn on the DVD and facilitate discussion with provided study questions

I'm interested in starting my own group and/or being a HOST, what are my next steps?
Provide your information below and indicate your interest to HOST a group. The Grow Group Team will contact you with New HOST Briefing dates to make sure you have all the information and material to get started with your group!

Want to HOST a Grow Group?