"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9
The Prince of Peace Youth Ministry provides opportunities for students to:
Love God,
Love Others
& Make Disciples
These opportunities come in the form of small groups, servant events, and fellowship events. Specific Ministry opportunities can be found below.
Monthly News and Activities
7th & 8th Grade
Our Middle School program focuses on those continuing developmental years within the adolescent ages. Our confirmation program is primarily the center of this ministry as well as other opportunities:
9th - 12th Grades
Our Senior High program focuses on the stages of developing and understanding true identity in Christ while attending to those responsibilities of a senior adolescent. It’s within this demographic where we encourage students to take ownership of their faith and their ministry by providing the following opportunities:
- Sunday School
- Midweek Youth Group Fellowship & Devotion (Weekly)
- High School Youth Group Extra Activities
- HIMnals/Living Water
- POP Orchestra
- Endure Summer Youth Gathering in New Orleans
Youth Group Prayer Request
POP Medical Release
Please download & complete this electronic form, then email the completed form to our Minister to Children, Youth & Families, DCE Alex Lillis in order to participate in some POP Activities.
Resources & Staff
RightNow Media, is a website that houses 10,000+ video resources for kids, youth, and adults. If you are interested in learning more or to be added to the subscription, please email Alex Lillis
Minister to Children, Youth & Families, Alex Lillis, DCE